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Our Lady J

Pose Closes with an Emotional, Iconic Finale in Season 3: Review

<span class="localtime" data-ltformat="F j, Y | g:ia" data-lttime="2021-04-27T17:10:42+00:00“>April 27, 2021 | 1:10pm ET The Pitch: Several years have passed since we’ve checked in with the stalwart, fierce queens of the House of Evangelista; it’s 1994, and the drag scene — and their lives — have changed in numerous ways. Gone is the underground feel of the ballroom, replaced by younger generations who look for cash prizes before a feeling of community, and HIV/AIDS continues to rip through New York City’s queer population like a plague. Blanca (Mj Rodriguez) juggles house motherhood with a new career as a nurse’s aide and a stable relationship with a handsome doctor (Hollywood‘s Jeremy Pope). Pray Tell (Billy Porter), meanwhile, drowns the sorrows...