Sourced from Kaspersky With data being increasingly valuable to a company’s organisations, ransomware attacks are surging around the world, including in South Africa. It is becoming incredibly lucrative for attackers to target businesses for their data, and at the same time, the ransomware being used is becoming more sophisticated. This means that more enterprises will feel the need to pay the ransom in the case of a breach. So says Risna Steenkamp, General Manager: ESM Division at Networks Unlimited, which distributes Rubrik solutions throughout Africa. “It is unfortunate,” she explains, “that in the event of a breach, paying the ransom is no guarantee that the threat actors will actually honour the agreement and release the data. This potentially leaves a breached organisation in the une...
Image sourced from Networks Unlimited. The saying ‘Less is more’ was first popularised by German architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, and today minimalism is a movement that extends to many aspects of life, including architecture, lifestyle, home décor, and fashion. But Tintri would argue that, in the arena of IT, sometimes you need to embrace a philosophy of ‘More is more’. So says Michael Donaldson, Tintri Product Manager at value-added distributor Networks Unlimited, who explains, “Tintri, a provider of intelligent infrastructure for virtualised and non-virtualised enterprise IT, brings better insights into systems, as well as improved understandings of workload activity: how your organisation and its users are behaving as regards interaction with data. “Intelligent infrastructure means ...