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Nick Frost

Spooky New Truth Seekers Trailer Turns Wi-Fi Techs Into Ghostbusters: Watch

There’s something annoying in the neighborhood, and it’s spotty Wi-Fi. Who are you going to call to rescue your Zoom meetings? The broadband technicians of Truth Seekers! A new Amazon horror-comedy series that reunites Shaun of the Dead stars Nick Frost and Simon Pegg, it shines a paranormal spotlight on the unsung essential workers that keep us all connected to the information superhighway. Following a first-look teaser in July, Amazon is now sharing a full-length trailer. In it, we are further introduced to Gus (Frost), a Wi-Fi home installation tech who is tasked with training new hires. He’s annoyed at the prospect of teaching “millennial mouth-breathers” about the finer points of setting up a network, but quickly becomes friends with Elton (Samson Kayo) as he reveals the real nature o...

Simon Pegg and Nick Frost Reunite in Truth Seekers Trailer: Watch

Longtime collaborators Simon Pegg and Nick Frost are ready to unveil their newest project. It’s a comedy-horror series called Truth Seekers, set to premiere this fall on Amazon Prime. In Truth Seekers, Frost plays Gus, the leader of a group of part-time paranormal investigators who team up to uncover and film ghost sightings across the UK. “As they stake out haunted churches, underground bunkers and abandoned hospitals with their array of homemade ghost-detecting gizmos, their supernatural experiences grow more frequent, more terrifying and even deadly, as they begin to uncover a conspiracy that could bring about Armageddon for the entire human race,” notes a plot synopsis. For his day job, however, Gus works at a broadband company called Smile, which is where Pegg comes in....