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2023 Appropriation Bill: Nigeria is heading towards greater debt

In October, President Muhammadu Buhari presented an Appropriation Bill of N20.51trn ($43.7bn) for the fiscal year 2023 to the joint session of the lower and upper Chambers of the National Assembly. He described the 2023 proposed budget as one “of fiscal sustainability and transition” – his very last budget as Nigeria’s president. However, what financial legacy is he leaving behind? Source

How Meloni’s video uses the distress of Africans to play into EU’s debates to block migrants

In a video unearthed after her accession to power, Giorgia Meloni, the current president of Italy’s ministerial council, criticises France’s policy in Africa. Source

Angola: Isabel dos Santos denounces ‘political persecution’

Angola’s justice system has requested that an arrest warrant be issued against Isabel dos Santos. But the daughter of former president Eduardo dos Santos is fighting back. Source

Egypt: The UAE and Saudi look to Cairo for influence and bargains

Over the past months, neighbouring countries Saudi Arabia and the UAE have been accelerating investment in Egypt. While profit is an undeniable motivator for the Gulf nations, geopolitics take a front seat role.    Source

Egypt: The UAE and Saudi look to Cairo for influence and bargains

Over the past months, neighbouring countries Saudi Arabia and the UAE have been accelerating investment in Egypt. While profit is an undeniable motivator for the Gulf nations, geopolitics take a front seat role.    Source

Ghana’s government seeks IMF bail out in U-turn

Amid protests over spiraling prices and the rising cost of living, the government of Ghanaian President Nana Akufo-Addo has reneged on its pledge not to borrow from the IMF after hitting the wall with its domestic economic recovery plan.  Source

Ghana’s government seeks IMF bail out in U-turn

Amid protests over spiraling prices and the rising cost of living, the government of Ghanaian President Nana Akufo-Addo has reneged on its pledge not to borrow from the IMF after hitting the wall with its domestic economic recovery plan.  Source

Ghana’s government seeks IMF bail out in U-turn

Amid protests over spiraling prices and the rising cost of living, the government of Ghanaian President Nana Akufo-Addo has reneged on its pledge not to borrow from the IMF after hitting the wall with its domestic economic recovery plan.  Source

Ghana’s government seeks IMF bail out in U-turn

Amid protests over spiraling prices and the rising cost of living, the government of Ghanaian President Nana Akufo-Addo has reneged on its pledge not to borrow from the IMF after hitting the wall with its domestic economic recovery plan.  Source

Côte d’Ivoire to Nigeria…West Africa’s security challenges and ripple effects

The vulnerability of coastal West Africa to a spillover of extremist activity from far-off parts of the Sahel can no longer be glossed over. The growing threat also highlights erroneous security responses by different regional governments, which is painting the threat of Islamist militants as the singular factor responsible for the instability in West Africa. Source

Côte d’Ivoire to Nigeria…West Africa’s security challenges and ripple effects

The vulnerability of coastal West Africa to a spillover of extremist activity from far-off parts of the Sahel can no longer be glossed over. The growing threat also highlights erroneous security responses by different regional governments, which is painting the threat of Islamist militants as the singular factor responsible for the instability in West Africa. Source

Côte d’Ivoire to Nigeria…West Africa’s security challenges and ripple effects

The vulnerability of coastal West Africa to a spillover of extremist activity from far-off parts of the Sahel can no longer be glossed over. The growing threat also highlights erroneous security responses by different regional governments, which is painting the threat of Islamist militants as the singular factor responsible for the instability in West Africa. Source