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Nahko and Medicine for the People

Nahko and Medicine for the People Fight for Progress on Take Your Power Back

When singer and songwriter Nahko Bear wrote “Dear Brother” for Nahko and Medicine for the People’s fourth album, Take Your Power Back, it wasn’t to charge up the masses to fight against racial injustice and police brutality in 2020. It was written in 2014 — a year after the Black Lives Matter Movement was born and during the time of civil unrest in Ferguson following the death of Michael Brown. “I wrote that song the day after Ferguson happened,” Nahko told SPIN about “Dear Brother.” “It’s completely directed at injustice, inequality, racism in the country, and the authoritarian system. And yes, it’s just literally directed at that.” [embedded content] Nahko and Medicine for the People is a collective of musicians, led by Nahko, from all over the globe. And wi...