Good news for Mystery Science Theater 3000 fans: The sci-fi comedy series is making its grand return on March 4th, 2022. Season 13 (!) of MST3K will welcome back returning hosts and bots Jonah Heston (Jonah Rey), Tom Servo (voiced by Baron Vaughn), and Cro-o-o-o-o-w (voiced by Hampton Yount). Earlier this year, MST3K creator Joel Hodgson moved operations to a new platform called the Gizmoplex, which now serves as group’s online hub and the permanent home of the show. Thanks to a successful Kickstarter campaign aptly titled “Let’s Make More MST3K & Build The Gizmoplex!,” the show is now thriving network-free (Netflix previously revived the show in 2016). “It reminds me a little bit of SCTV where The Mads are falling all over each other, trying to do new things in the Gizmoplex in the ho...