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Michael Schur

Field of Dreams TV Series Up to Bat at Peacock from The Good Place’s Michael Schur

Michael Schur is building it in the streaming corn fields of Peacock, and fans will definitely come. As Deadline reports, one of the great comedy showrunners is writing a Field of Dreams TV series based on the beloved 1989 movie. These days Schur is best known as the wholesome force behind Parks and Recreation, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, The Good Place, and most recently, Rutherford Falls. But to very-online sports lovers, he is fondly remembered under his pseudonym Ken Tremendous as one of the co-founders of the pioneering baseball blog Fire Joe Morgan. Ostensibly started with a single purpose (getting one particularly bad broadcaster canned) the site morphed into an early explainer for advanced baseball stats and one of the funniest sources for sports analysis...

The Evolution of Ted Danson, Mr. Mayor of Television

If it feels like Ted Danson has always been on our television screens, well, it’s because that’s more or less true. He’s been around since at least the mid-1970s, cropping up in one long-running sitcom after another, buoying that with everything from prestige dramas to procedurals to a brief stint as a movie star in the ’90s (Three Men and a Baby, anyone?) He’s one of the hardest-working, and most ubiquitous, people in show business, cultivating a very specific persona that has itself morphed and changed as Danson’s hair has turned from brown to gray. Now, fresh off a four-year stint on the critically-acclaimed The Good Place, Danson finds himself as yet another bumbling man of power in a crisp suit, although a bit less openly demonic this time: Mayor Neil Bremer on NBC’s latest show, ...