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maxo kream

Maxo Kream Speaks His Truth

Interviews are a bit of a tricky proposition for Maxo Kream. Sure, like any rapper ascending the pantheon of the music industry he knows they’re advantageous if not entirely necessary to promote his music. But, as he contends when we speak via phone one October afternoon a few weeks before he’s set to release his third album, Weight of the World, why bother interviewing him when you can simply listen to his music? After all, Maxo says, “When people be asking me questions about certain shit, I just be like, ‘Go jam my album. Cause I’m definitely going to reveal it all there.’ And that’s not me being an asshole,” he adds. “Cause if you jam my album, then you really feel me.” Yes, Maxo Kream — the Houston rapper, all booming, gruff vocals and menacing flow — is a true storyteller. And one who...