Maureen Esisi, ex-wife to popular Nollywood actor, Blossom Chukwujekwu, says she once contemplated suicidal thoughts after her divorce. Maureen talked about her failed marriage to the Nollywood actor in a monologue on her Youtube page. According to her, although it was not easy leaving the 2-year-old marriage, it “was the best decision ever.” “Let’s look back two years ago when I left my marriage. I left my marriage penniless broken and penniless. I can remember it like it was yesterday. I have no money in my account. My business had suffered so much,” she disclosed. “And I was broken. I had a friend who felt it in her heart to be there for me. I love her to bits. I moved out of my then home and moved into this place that you all love today. “It wasn’t easy, I swear. For the first time in ...