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Mastercard research

4 Trends Shaping Digital Payments in 2021

/* custom css */ .tdi_3_d65.td-a-rec-img{ text-align: left; }.tdi_3_d65.td-a-rec-img img{ margin: 0 auto 0 0; } As the world went into pandemic lockdown in 2020, consumers shifted their spending habits to embrace contactless tap-and-go payments and online shopping. As stores closed and social distancing took hold, retailers worldwide moved their businesses online, embraced eCommerce and explored the potential of new ways to pay. More than a year later, research from Mastercard shows that the adoption of new payment technologies is rising, and consumer appetite for new, fast and flexible digital experiences continues to grow. Looking to the future, digital currencies, mobile wallets, wearables, biometrics, contactless and QR codes are trending as emerging payments technologies as people’s c...

South African’s are Shopping More Online Thanks to COVID-19, Research Says

South African’s are spending 68% more online now than they were prior to the pandemic, according to a study by Mastercard. Essential items have seen highest surge online with the majority (81%) of SA consumers saying they purchased data, and over half saying they bought clothing (56%) and groceries (54%) online since the pandemic started. According to the research, the times we are living in have also made consumers more generous with nearly a quarter (23%) saying they have donated more to charity than pre-lockdown. Consumers are supporting their favourite local small businesses, with 63% of respondents saying that they are making a conscious effort to shop online at these stores. With fewer opportunities to browse in the stores or on the high-street, social media has emerged as the main p...