The show's creators, star Violet Beene, and even "Viktor Sams" reveal all about making the unconventional whodunnit. Inside the Death and Other Details Season Finale, and the Creators’ Plans for Season 2 Liz Shannon Miller
Almost 33 years after the release of The Princess Bride, surviving members of the original cast reconvened on Sunday night for a virtual table read of William Goldman’s classic script. The live event was moderated by Patton Oswalt, who said, “This movie obviously meant a lot to my generation. This was the suburban mallrats’ intro to Monty Python, surrealism, and satire. So thank you, [director] Rob Reiner, thank you, [producer] Norman Lear, and the entire cast for bringing this to life.” Reiner, who stepped into the shoes of the late Peter Falk to play the grandfather, emphasized the broader picture before the event began: “We’re here basically to get Donald Trump out of the White House. That’s the main goal.” To that point, proceeds benefited the Democratic Party of Wiscons...
After years of fans asking the cast of The Princess Bride to reunite, they can finally respond truthfully with, “As you wish.” Next weekend, the beloved actors will come together for a virtual table read to help raise money for the Democratic Party of Wisconsin. The fundraiser, dubbed “A Virtual Princess Bride Reunion”, will be a one-night-only event featuring Cary Elwes, Robin Wright, Chris Sarandon, Mandy Patinkin, Wallace Shawn, Carol Kane, director Rob Reiner, and other “special guests.” There will also be a Q&A portion moderated by Patton Oswalt. The Princess Bride table read will take place on September 13th at 6:00 p.m. CT. Viewers must RSVP via Act Blue in order to watch it. “Anything you donate will be used to ensure that Trump loses Wisconsin, and thereby the White House,” th...