In 2016, Oasis was the subject of a documentary that chronicled their meteoric rise, which culminated with a pair of gigs in August 1996 at Knebworth in the UK. Over 4% of the country tried to get one of the 250,000 tickets that were available. As you can imagine, it was epic and the crowd was Mad Fer It. The opening bands were a who’s who of that era: The Charlatans, The Prodigy, Manic Street Preachers and The Chemical Brothers. Obviously, we know how things slowly disintegrated after that, but this debatably was the peak of Britpop and the Gallaghers, Bonehead, Guigsy and Alan White were at the front of it. Now, those shows are coming to the big screen. Ahead of the 25th anniversary of those shows the band announced that a documentary chronicling those gigs will be released. It will...