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Listen to Songs By Marc Rebillet’s Decade-Old Music Production Alias, leae

Over the past year or so, Marc Rebillet quickly became a household name. But before Loop Daddy was an international music festival headliner, he released wonky electronic beats and hip-hop instrumentals under a secretive alias. While some super-fans have known about the side project—dubbed leae—for some time now, after browsing some of Rebillet’s near decade-old tracks, we felt it was time to unearth them. As you can hear from the track below, leae’s music is a far cry from Rebillet’s current songs about hormone therapy and grandma-devouring flamingos. It mostly comprises introspective, instrumental solo tracks aside from a few collabs with hip-hop artists. If anything, the sound is a microcosm of not his production chops, but also his growth...