I am sitting at the bar at the Tam O’Shanter, a Scottish steakhouse in the Atwater Village neighborhood of northeast Los Angeles, jotting down some notes for this article. Basic research stuff: the Whos, the Whats, the Whens. I already know quite a lot about my subjects, having been a fan for nearly 30 years. If my teenage self knew that one day I would be interviewing his comedy heroes, then underwear would most likely need a change. I had to be prepared. There’s great pressure in not letting your former self down. A bartender takes my order. He possesses a thick Scottish brogue, made even more indecipherable due to his Bane-like carbon filtered face mask. The Tam O’Shanter, which has been around for 100 years, serves a fine certified Angus beef prime rib with all the Scottish trimmings. ...