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Facebook Moves to Ban Holocaust Denial Content

Mark Zuckerberg is finally taking some responsibility for how his platform impacts the culture at large. After blocking misinformation from Trump, cracking down on election interference, and banning QAnon, Facebook is now moving to ban Holocaust denial content. Advocacy groups have for years called on Zuckerberg, who himself is Jewish, to take control of posts and groups denying the Holocaust. In 2018, the Facebook CEO said he resisted such demands on grounds of freedom of speech, particularly the difference between simply being incorrect and stirring hatred or violence. “I don’t think that they’re intentionally getting it wrong,” Zuckerberg said at the time. However, he’s now reversed course, announcing that Facebook’s updated hate speech policy will include anything “that denies or disto...

Seth Rogen Says He Was “Fed a Huge Amount of Lies About Israel”

Seth Rogen pissed off North Korea with some truthiness in The Interview, and now he’s sparked similar backlash with recent comments about Israel. His remarks came during an interview on Marc Maron’s WTF Podcast, ostensibly about the actor’s forthcoming HBO Max movie, An American Pickle. The film sees Rogen portray a Jewish immigrant who finds himself in Brooklyn in the early 1900s. When he falls into a pickle vat, the brine preserves him for a century, emerging to meet his grandson (also portrayed by Rogen), a secular Jew of the modern age. As Rogen and Maron are both Jewish, much of the conversation centered around their own experience with Judaism and identity. While much of the discussion was comedic and nuanced, some of the remarks have stirred controversy. When the idea of reloca...