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Jadū Dala

Farrah and Osins Collide on Ominous Single “Omen”

Over the past two years, Farrah has proven she can’t be ignored. The Hong Kong producer had a stellar 2020, playing numerous virtual festivals as well as released singles on Bassrush and Electric Hawk. This time around she’s tapped Israel-based artist Osins for their collaborative effort “Omen,” out via Jadū Dala. “Omen” encapsulates a haunting, ominous vibe while still fitting the festival-centric sound we’ve all been craving. From front to back, the tune exudes creativity. The jumpy, over-the-top feeling of the first drop translates well into the second, as the tune embraces windier synths and the same organic percussion.  Though Farrah and Osins are relatively new to the scene, the budding talents have shown plenty of promise on this r...