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IT landscape

Protecting the IT Landscape in a Borderless World

The evolution of technology has pushed the perimeter of organisations further and further towards the edge, and we no longer have the monolithic structures we did in the past. The cloud, the Internet of Things (IoT), even the COVID-19 pandemic accelerating the adoption of a work from home model, have contributed to what has, in effect, become a borderless world. This means that the traditional approach to security of locking down the perimeter is simply no longer enough. The perimeter cannot be easily defined, and the way in which we access services has fundamentally changed. Cybersecurity mesh has emerged as a framework to address this challenge, with a distributed security architecture that more effectively meets the challenges of today’s landscape. Trust no one With IT infrastructure so...

How to Piece Together the IoT Puzzle

When first looking at an Internet of Things (IoT) project, you might think it looks cut-and-dry. Then the proverbial rug is pulled from under you. Surely, it’s just about devices and keeping them connected to the Internet, right? It SHOULD be easy; but in reality, most companies find that they’re facing a challenge that looks more like a jigsaw puzzle – and sometimes a few pieces have fallen on the floor. Thoughtfulness and planning are key to solving this IoT jigsaw puzzle. You need to know how the pieces fit with your wider enterprise IT landscape (apps/data/processes). In other words, you must become familiar with all your pieces, choose the right ones at the right time, and ensure you have a usable workspace to create your masterpiece. /* custom css */ .tdi_3_c00.td-a-rec-img{ text-ali...