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Imam Al-Bukhari Gate

Saudi Arabia reopens Madinah mosque from Sunday

The Saudi Arabia government has approved the re-opening of Masjid Al Nabawi, Madinah gradually from Sunday 31 May with precautionary measures. According to the approved guidelines, the permitted access of public in Masjid Al Nabawi, Madinah will be in the Courtyards and the King Fahad Expansion of the mosque. It stated that men will be allowed to enter Masjid Al Nabawi through the following gates: Al-Hijrah Gate No. 4; Quba Gate No. 5; King Saud Gate No 8; Imam Al-Bukhari Gate No. 10; King Fahd Gate No. 21; King Abdulaziz Gate No 34; Makkah Gate No. 37; while the Salam Gate will remain closed. It added that women will be allowed to enter through the gates 13, 17, 25, 29 all from Sunday. “The Old Mosque and Ziyarah (visitation) to the Rawdah (resting place of Prophet Muhammad) and Riyadh Al...