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How to Sell Technology Solutions to the C-Suite

Technology is transforming industries on a global scale — with the COVID-19 pandemic proving just how critical a solid IT strategy really is for business sustainability. C-level executives who weren’t prepared for digital transformation have been left playing catch up, which means there has never been a better time to sell IT solutions to them. And while it may seem easier than ever to reach decision-makers, the truth is that many of them employ seasoned gatekeepers and are inundated with technical sales calls. This means gaining access to the C-Suite has become an extremely difficult task for sales executives.  So when it comes to selling to CEO’s, CIO’s or CTO’s — the rules have changed; and to be a successful Sales VP, Sales Manager or Sales Executive, you have to adapt your approa...

Principles of IT Leadership 2020 goes Digital

Over the last few years, IT has become an essential part of every businesses journey towards digital transformation. In fact, Gartner reports that globally 90% of organizations are making it a priority. This means that now, more than ever before, companies are on the lookout for innovative solutions to outdated issues. Yet, despite the obvious interest, reports suggest that roughly 50% of business’s IT projects fail. And the question is, why? As technology evolves, there’s little doubt that it can provide modern and forward-thinking tools, however, it’s up to the leaders in IT to ensure that their solutions are fully understood and implemented if they want to succeed.  This means that IT directors and managers have an increasingly vital role to play within organisations as they become...

The 2nd Chartered CIO Council meeting

The Institute of Chartered IT Professionals (ICITP) followed up its inaugural launch with a 2nd Chartered CIO Council meeting online amid the COVID-19 lockdown. The Chartered CIO Council is an inclusive advisory & advocacy council for the South African MICT sector, established by the Institute of Chartered IT Professionals (ICITP) the Information Technology professional body recognised by the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) according to the NQF Act. ICITP is the certifying body and custodian for IT professionals in Africa. The Chartered CIO Council ensures that all CIOs are accredited and qualified to perform the practice of a Chartered-CIO & create awareness about the roles, governance and functions of a CIO, so as to bolster the reputation & role the Chief Infor...