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Ian McKellen

Ian McKellen may return as Gandalf in new Lord of the Rings movie

“I've just been told there are going to be more films and Gandalf will be involved and they hope that I'll be playing him,” McKellen revealed. Ian McKellen May Return as Gandalf in New Lord of the Rings Movie Jo Vito

Ian McKellen falls off stage during performance, taken to hospital

The 85-year-old actor is currently playing John Falstaff in a production of Player Kings in London. Ian McKellen Falls Off Stage During Performance, Taken to Hospital Eddie Fu

Sir Ian McKellen Gets COVID-19 Vaccine: “I Feel Very Lucky”

Sometimes being a hero is helping a ragtag party to destroy the One Ring, and sometimes it’s leading by example. Earlier today, Sir Ian McKellen shared a photograph of himself receiving the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine. “I feel very lucky to have had the vaccine,” he wrote on Twitter. “I would have no hesitation in recommending it to anyone.” Via BBC and itv, the 81-year-old McKellen accepted his inoculation at Queen Mary’s University Hospital in London from Dr. Phil Bennett-Richards. The procedure took less than ten seconds, and afterwards the acclaimed actor bumped elbows with his GP. “Next time I come — well no, six days after I next come I’m going to give them all a big hug,” McKellen said, referring to the vaccine’s second booster dose. “Is [hugging] allowed? I...

Lord of the Rings Cast to Reunite for YouTube Livestream

Everybody is keeping in touch with old friends these days. As it turns out, so are some fellas from Middle Earth. This Sunday, the cast of The Lord of the Rings will reunite for a special livestream — because apparently Gollum’s nonstop reading of The Hobbit was only the beginning. The epic reunion is the latest installment in Josh Gad’s ongoing series “Reunited Apart”, which has already brought together the cast of The Goonies and Back to the Future during this period of self-isolation. In a teaser clip, Gad geeks out to Astin in an attempt to bring The Lord of the Rings family back together. “I was wondering what you might think about tracking down a certain group of buddies, comrades, pals,” says Gad. “Oh, what’s another word for it? Fellowship?” Astin protests, but event...