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Huawei 5G Networks

5G Drives the Need for Network Energy Solutions

Fred Saayman, Huawei BU Executive at Pinnacle It is estimated that within five years, the number of connections between people and other people, people and things and things to other things will number more than 100 billion. Add to this the increasing uptake of 5G networks, as well as new services including online healthcare and education, smart homes, telemedicine, virtual and augmented reality, autonomous cars, and it’s easy to see why broader network connections, higher bandwidth and computing that is closer to users are in demand. So says Fred Saayman, Huawei Business Unit: Executive, at Pinnacle ICT, SA’s leading local ICT distributor. “In addition, the world has witnessed incredible new technologies that enable surgeons to supervise operations based on real-time 5G ultra HD imaging. ...

UK to Phase Out 5G Technology from Huawei

Image sourced from Onties British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson is reportedly planning to phase out the use of 5G network technology supplied by Huawei in as little as six months – this comes after the UK’s national intelligence agency, GCHQ, flagged new security fears over the Chinese technology company. A report from the GCHQ is said to rule that new US sanctions on Huawei have had a ‘serve’ impact and will force the company to use untrusted technology that could make the risk impossible to control. According to Bloomberg, UK officials have already set about drafting proposals to stop installing new Huawei equipment in the 5G network and to speed up the removal of technology that is already in place. In response to the news, a spokesperson from the tech company says that “Huawei is the m...

Trump Lengthens Ban on Huawei

Image sourced from Al Jazeera US President, Donald Trump has extended the national emergency order that prohibits American companies from buying, selling or using any hardware from Chinese technology company, Huawei, in fear that it will result in ‘cyber-exploitation’ by China for another year. The order also means that Chinese companies do not have legal access to American technology. Bloomberg reports that this is one way the US is limiting China’s dominance over 5G networks. Huawei has repeatedly challenged claims that it operates in conjunction with the Chinese government. US-China Trade Ban: A History /* custom css */ .tdi_3_7bc.td-a-rec-img{ text-align: left; }.tdi_3_7bc.td-a-rec-img img{ margin: 0 auto 0 0; } Back in 2019, Trump claimed that Huawei is a threat to American national s...