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HSEL Telkom

Telkom VS Gaming to Bring Esports League to Virtual Comic Con Africa

Sourced from Students Brands. The 2020 edition of Comic Con Africa will be held virtually for the first time ever. Comic Con announced that this year’s edition of the biggest event in the pop culture and gaming calendar will go ahead from 24 – 27 September 2020; bringing a virtual Con to fans in their own homes. “The (COVID-19) pandemic has forced all aspects of the sports fraternity to relook their approach. Luckily for us, nothing much has changed; VS Gaming continued to host its online leagues through this time. With the postponement of Comic Con Africa the VS Gaming flagship Masters tournament will conclude and the revised structure will be shared with our community soon,” says Wanda Mkhize, Telkom VS Gaming Spokesperson. In light of the new developments, Telkom VS Gaming in partnershi...