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How to Use Your Smartphone Better

4 Ways to Use Your Smartphone Better

Sourced from Getty Images. Smartphones are glued to the palm of our hands for most of the day, perhaps to keep up with the latest social media updates or to keep in contact with family, friends and even clients. Whatever the reason may be, smartphones are here and, let’s be honest, we probably wouldn’t survive a day without them. With this in mind, here are four ways to make the most of your screen time: 1. Record important information When it comes to remembering things, it often goes in one ear and out the other – despite our best efforts. To make sure that you remember important dates, meetings, or other events, use your phone’s calendar. Most of them will allow you to sync with your email calendar, which means that there’s no excuse for forgetting. /* custom css */ .tdi_3_7c6.td-a...