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how to live a quiet and peaceful life

How To Live A Quiet And Peaceful Life

36.1Kshares 0 36.1K 1 0 0 0 1 When a man is at peace with himself, he will be at peace with the world around him. The principal thing in living a happy life is peace. Here are ways to live a peaceful and quiet life. Be Compassionate, Forgiving & Helpful To Others One fast way to be at peace with yourself is to help someone in his/her time of need. The world is filled with so much evil that it is becoming increasingly difficult to be compassionate, but even in this state, good people still exist. Help out someone, be merciful and forgiving. You will find peace with yourself. Correct Your Mistakes ASAP If for some reason you have treated someone unfairly or unkindly, or you have done something dishonest, make amends for it as soon as you can. Correct your mistakes as soon as possible and...