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Kano DisCo: Our meters not for sale

The Kano Electricity Distribution Company has warned that meter deployment and installation by its field officials remain free and not for sale. A statement signed by KEDCO Head of Communications, Ibrahim Shawai, on Monday, in Kano, said the clarification had become necessary in view of the recent claims by some online platforms that customers in Kano franchise were made to pay ‘indirectly’ for meters. “This is totally out of place as we have never collected money for meter or installations. “It is as a result of our support for the Federal Government Mass Metering programme where thousands of meters have been installed at different households under our franchise. “Anyone disguising as KEDCO staff or conniving with any of our staff to extort customers, such persons would not be spared but ...

Canada, Germany, EU, others funding farming in northeast Nigeria

The People and Government of Canada, the European Union Trust Fund for Africa, the European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations, the Federal Republic of Germany, the Kingdom of Norway and the Kingdom of Sweden are funding the 2021 rainy season farming in troubled North-east of Nigeria. The funding, which is implemented through the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), is providing farming inputs to 65,800 farmers in Borno, Adamawa and Yobe States adversely affected by over a decade Boko Haram insurgency. A statement on Friday by FAO recognized that the rainy season farm cultivation is critical to food production in Nigeria, as it ensures food availability and income generation, especially for smallholder and low-income households. The statement read: “...

Bauchi residents lament erratic power supply

Some residents of Bauchi metropolis have expressed concerned over the erratic power supply in the area. Some of the residents who spoke with newsmen in seperate interviews, said the situation had made life unbearable for them. Newsmen report that Gwallameji area of Bauchi and other parts of the metropolis are leaving in darkness in the past months following vandalisation of electrical facilities in the affected communitie. They urged the Jos Electricity Distribution Company (JEDCO) to address the problem and adopt proactive to protect its facilities against acts of vandalisim. Mr Paul Ugochukwu, a resident of Rafin Zurfi area of the metropolis, said they had been experiencing erratic power supply for the past three months sequel to the alleged destruction of the power transformer in the ar...

Borno government shutdowns another IDP camp in Maiduguri

The Borno government has shutdown another Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) camp located at the state NYSC orientation camp in Maiduguri. Newsmen report that the closing of the camp, housing about I,464 households was done by officials of the state government on Monday in Maiduguri. The camp was the second to be closed by the government in three days in its bid to return all IDPs back to their communities. Speaking at the ceremony, Mr Mustafa Gubio, the state’s Commissioner for Ministry of Reconstruction, Rehabilitation and Resettlement, said the closing of the camp was to allow for renovation work to take place at the NYSC orientation camp. Also speaking, the state’s Commissioner of Agriculture, Mr Bukar Talba, said government has established mega farms in Auno and Damasak for allocated...

May Day: President Buhari promises workers better packages

President Muhammadu Buhari has assured workers of better packages to cushion economic effects of COVID-19 on their resources. The President said his administration has put in place some socio-economic policies to alleviate poverty. Buhari said the Federal Government has expanded the Conditional Cash Transfer for the vulnerable poor from 2.6 million households to 7.6 million. He also noted COVID-19 Rapid Response Register has been expanded for urban poor to 4.8 million households, which included urban poor and working class. The President spoke during this year’s May Day celebration at the Eagle Square on Saturday in Abuja. This year’s celebration had as its theme: “COVID-19 pandemic, social and economic crisis: challenges for decent jobs, social protection and people’s welfare”. Buhari, wh...

Saudi Arabia donates $1.2 million food items to Zamfara disaster victims

The Saudi Arabia based King Salman Humanitarian and Relief Center has donated food items worth 1.2 million dollars to victims of armed banditry in Zamfara. Retired AVM Muhammadu Muhammed, Director-General, National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) said at a news conference in Gusau on Friday. Muhammed said that the food items would be distributed to 8,725 households. “Each household will receive a package weighing 59.8kg; comprising rice, beans and a condiment of tomato paste, maggi cube, cooking oil, salt and masa flour. “The donors expect the items to immediately reach the beneficiaries in order to give them some relief in this fasting period,” he said. The NEMA boss commended the centre for the items, noting that Nigeria would remain grateful for such donations which was also made to ...

IMF, World Bank advocate flexible fiscal support, debt relief

Against the backdrop of a pandemic impacted global and national economies, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank have urged fiscal authorities to execute flexible and supportive fiscal policies to support economic recovery and cushion the long-term impact of the pandemic. In a paper that was titled: ‘Tailoring Government Support’, IMF staff said until the pandemic is brought under control, fiscal policy will have to remain flexible and supportive. It advised governments to prioritize certain policy measures that include targeted support to vulnerable households, investment in health system and more focused support to viable firms, warning that if the pandemic persists, widespread corporate insolvencies could result, destroying millions of jobs, particularly in contact-intens...

Coronavirus: CBN doubles loan disbursement to N300 billion – bank governor

The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) says it plans to double the Targeted Credit Facility (TCF) from the initial N149.21 billion to N300 billion following the resounding success recorded in the disbursement of the Covid-19 loans to the applicants. In his keynote address at the 2nd virtual seminar for Finance Correspondents and Editors at the weekend, the Governor said the Bank took the decision in order to accommodate many more beneficiaries as well as boost consumer expenditure which would positively stimulate the economy. He disclosed that the CBN initially created a N150 billion Targeted Credit Facility (TCF) for affected households and small and medium enterprises through the NIRSAL Microfinance Bank, adding that already, N149.21 billion has been disbursed to 316,869 beneficiaries. “Given...

Kano governor donates N3 million to man who lost seven family members in fire incident

Kano State Governor, Dr Abdullahi Umar Ganduje, has donated N3 million to Malam Abdulrahman Ibrahim Wailari to ameliorate the loss he suffered in a fire disaster that engulfed his house recently. Wailari, a resident of Kumbotso local government area of Kano state, had lost seven members of his family to the inferno. The donation was announced during the flag off ceremony for the distribution of care and maintenance items to 1500 households in the state. The money was meant to enable the victim rebuild his house. Mallam Abdulrahman lost his mother, his two children, his sister and her three children lin the tragic incident which occurred last week. Get more stories like this on Twitter You Deserve to Make Money Even When you are looking for Dates Online. So we reimagined what a dating shoul...

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