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Heather Morris

Heather Morris Defends Tweet About Late ‘Glee’ Co-Star Mark Salling: ‘He Was a Part of Our Family’

Morris replied to McHale’s tweet, sharing that “the vomit face on Marks [sic] face is offensive.” Glee fans flooded Morris’ replies with criticism, expressing disapproval that she seemingly chose to side with Salling, whose crimes were worse than an emoji. The actress took to Twitter on Friday (Dec. 18) to defend her thoughts on her late co-star. “I don’t feel the need to ever justify something because somethings are better left unsaid,” she wrote. “Y’all who have lots of things to say, I get it, I UNDERSTAND you…somethings are unforgivable. But this holiday season, amongst ALL holiday seasons is INCREDIBLE hard for so many of us.” “We did not loose [sic] just 2 cast members, we lost 3,” she continued, ...