For many, a designer handbag is an item that will always be at the top of their wish-list, although sadly they aren’t necessarily the most wallet-friendly of purchases. Often retailing for hundreds (if not thousands) of pounds, luxury handbags are an investment, to say the least. And although a handbag of that quality is something you can carry for years come—generally meaning it can being quite reasonable when you take into account cost per wear—often the purchase can still be difficult to justify. Though, if you’ve been in the market for a new bag and have your heart set on a design by Valentino, Fendi, Burberry and more, you may be in luck as several lust-worthy designer bags are currently reduced as a part of this year’s summer sales. You Deserve to Make Mo...
Most of us won’t have touched a handbag since lockdown began, instead sticking to a bag for life for our groceries and pockets for our credit cards. But now that we see signs of things slowly reopening and can visit garden centres and take a book to the park, many are in need of a chuck-it-all-in practical handbag. If you want something a little jazzier than a basket bag, then I’ve just found an under-the-radar French brand that creates the most beautiful striped tote bags. Rue de Verneuil was founded in 2014, however, it’s a new name to British shoppers as has just been stocked by MatchesFashion. The 1950s-inspired tote bags have a Riviera feel to them, as they have a thin elegant pinstripe, a tan leather strap and come in the colours you typically see lining the French ...
The shoulder bag is really elegant, as it has a wide leather strap and a delicate C logo on the clasp and comes in beautiful colours, such as dusty blue, rich chocolate and even a vibrant tie-dye effect. There are several different silhouettes, such as a square mini bag with a sturdy top-handle strap, a rectangular shoulder bag with a chain strap and an oversize shoulder bag. This bag was always destined for cult status. Elizabeth von der Goltz, global buying director at Net-a-Porter, said in her 2019 trend presentation, “Chloé‘s Chloé Bag we have backed with around 20 options for both cruise and runway totalling to around 3000 units and making up 80% of our total Chloé bag buy.” You Deserve to Make Money Even When you are looking for ...