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Found footage

Shudder’s Host Brilliantly Adds Paranormal Activity to Our Pandemic: Review

The Pitch: Tired of Zoom calls? Bored of the same ol’ small talk? How about a seance to spice up your quarantine? Such is the conceit of Rob Savage’s Host. This swift, 56-minute capsule of terror follows a group of friends who tap into some paranormal activity amidst our ensuing pandemic — and, yes, we do mean ours. The whole thing was shot entirely during lockdown, and the all-too-palpable reality of Covid-19 surrounds these unfortunate souls, only it’s the last thing they need to fear. No Upcoming Meetings Today: Like Dave Franco’s The Rental, the concept here alone demands a watch of Host. This is ingenuity at its finest, and its origin story is almost as exciting as the film’s brazen execution. What started out as a Zoom prank gone viral — Savage tweeted video of himself investigating ...

Paranormal Activity 2 Gives Pool Cleaners a Fighting Chance

Listen via Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Google Play | Stitcher | RSS “I don’t know if the house is haunted, but I hope it is.”  Something strange is happening in the podloft. The front door keeps opening by itself, our favorite necklace is missing, and our pool cleaner keeps escaping. Grab your night light and join The Horror Virgin crew for Paranormal Activity 2. Topics range from creative prequel/sequel retconning, stellar dog and baby acting, and why you probably shouldn’t use a Ouija board to flirt with your girlfriend. We’ll also marvel at the pool cleaner who just may be the BB-8 of this franchise. Follow us on Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Podchaser Jenn’s Links —Paranormal Activity 2 Brillian...