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Facebook testing

Facebook’s Dark Mode is Now Being Tested on Mobile

Sourced from The New York Times Social media colossus Facebook has confirmed that some of the platform’s users are now able to switch to dark mode on their mobile app. So I have dark mode on Facebook now. 😍 #darkmode #facebook #iOS14 pic.twitter.com/AuC5uYoMJ2 — 🐍🏀💜💛 (@NotFridayCraig) June 26, 2020 These users have begun to post their reactions to the new dark mode on Twitter, showing off screenshots of the new UI. The option is now appearing in the ‘Settings & Privacy’ section of the mobile app of certain users. Facebook has said that, while they have only started rolling out dark mode for mobile users, as of right now the mode is only available for a “small percentage of users globally,” according to Social Media Today. /* custom css */ .tdi_3_...