An animated reboot of Married… with Children is set to reunite original stars Ed O’Neill, Katey Sagal, Christina Applegate, and David Faustino as the less-than-loving Bundy family. No network has yet reached an agreement to carry the cartoon, Deadline notes. But Sony Pictures Television, which owns the series, has already closed deals with the show’s stars. Reportedly, Fox (which aired the original), and Hulu and Peacock (which show reruns) are said to be interested. One of the longest-running live-action sitcoms in history, Married… with Children aired for 11 seasons between 1987 and 1997. It followed the Bundys, including ornery patriarch Al (O’Neill), a women’s shoe salesman who peaked as a high school football player, his lazy, derisive wife Peggy (Sagal),...