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Dr. Luke

Kesha Seizes on New Free Speech Law for Counterattack Against Dr. Luke

But as the case creeps along, now towards a trial date that’s expected to come this autumn, the ground beneath the parties’ feet has shifted. Last year, inspired by individuals like Donald Trump and Harvey Weinstein, New York passed a law intended to protect free speech from frivolous lawsuits. The anti-SLAPP legislation has many components, and it may be working as libel defendants are on a massive winning streak. Now, Kesha — advised by O’Melveny’s Daniel Petrocelli and Leah Godesky — is hoping to use the anti-SLAPP’s law’s allowance for a counterclaim to pursue compensatory and punitive damages plus attorneys’ fees and costs that she has incurred over seven long years defending what Kesha’s legal team believes to be a meritless defamation suit. ...

Dr. Luke’s Prescription Songs Company Offers Songwriters Bitcoin As Compensation Option

Dr. Luke‘s publishing company, Prescription Songs, has announced that songwriters will have the ability to receive royalty payments in Bitcoin going forward. The organization took to social media today to announce the groundbreaking move, stating that they are the first publishing company to offer its creators such a compensation option. According to the producer, the idea soon became a no-brainer after multiple creators began inquiring about the possibility of being paid in Bitcoin. The transactions will be conducted by bitcoin payment services provider, Bitpay, according to Digital Music News. “Prescription Songs has always been an industry leader providing the best services to our songwriters, producers and artists,” Dr. Luke said in a statement. “Some of our cre...