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Django Unchained

Keith Ellison Says Clarence Thomas Is Stephen From ‘Django’

Keith Ellison, the attorney general for Minnesota, has drawn some scrutiny after likening Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas to the house slave character of Stephen from the film 'Django Unchained.' The remarks come after Thomas' questionable defense of his position in siding with the conservative majority to further weaken affirmative action policies in a recent decision.

Quentin Tarantino Defends Rampant ‘N-Word’ Use in His Movies

HipHopWired Featured Video Source: Frank Trapper / Getty Director Quentin Tarantino went on a rant when asked about the content in his films—especially his extrajudicial use of the N-word. In an interview for the HBO Max series, Who’s Talking to Chris Wallace, Quentin Tarantino was indignant. Variety shared some of the interview, “You talk about being the conductor and the audience being the orchestra,” Wallace told Tarantino. “So when people say, ‘Well there’s too much violence in his movies. He uses the N-word too often.’ You say what?” “You should see [something else],” Tarantino answered. “Then see something else. If you have a problem with my movies then they aren’t the movies to go see. Apparently I’m not making them for you.” Where the response begs the question— who is Tarantino ma...