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Diversity News South Africa

The Key to Boosting Women in Tech in South Africa

Sourced from Women in Tech Africa. /* custom css */ .tdi_4_365.td-a-rec-img{ text-align: left; }.tdi_4_365.td-a-rec-img img{ margin: 0 auto 0 0; } Women remain a largely untapped resource in the technology talent pool in South Africa. The statistics don’t lie: there are only 56000 women filling 236 000 Information and Communications Technology (ICT) roles in the country. That is 23%. Women fare even worse in emerging technology roles, such as cloud computing, and data and AI, with only 14% female participation in professional cloud computing and 28% in data and AI. Perhaps even more concerning is the lack of female talent filtering into the pipeline. For every two women who graduate with a STEM-related (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) degree in South Africa, there are fiv...