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Derek Connolly

Oscar Isaac Cast as Solid Snake in Metal Gear Solid Movie

Oscar Isaac has been cast as Solid Snake in Sony’s upcoming film adaptation of the beloved Metal Gear Solid video game franchise, according toThe Hollywood Reporter. Unless you’ve been hiding in a cardboard box for the last 30 years, you’ve probably heard of Hideo Kojima’s blockbuster stealth action series. The character first appeared in 1987’s Metal Gear as a naked homage to Snake Plissken, the protagonist of John Carpenter’s Escape From New York. Solid Snake (sometimes known as Iroquois Pliskin and sometimes just David) is a secretive special forces operative and occasional self-employed mercenary. The backstory is notoriously dense, and the series has long deployed lengthy cut-scenes that, while not always fun to play, would seem to make the material perfectly suited for...