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DDoS Cryptocurrency

Massive Increase in DDoS Attacks Observed – Record Numbers Reached

Image sourced from Shutterstock. Compared to Q3 2021, the total number of Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks in Q4 shows an increase of 52%. This is 4.5 times more than the same time the previous year. These and other findings were published in the new Kaspersky DDoS attacks in Q4 2021 report. What are DDoS Attacks? Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks pose a huge threat to businesses and organisations that provide online services. During such an attack, cybercriminals send multiple requests to the attacked web resource with the aim of exceeding the website’s capacity to handle multiple requests and prevent the website from functioning correctly. These attacks may last several days, causing huge disruptions for organisations. From October to the end of December 2021, Kasp...