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Daily Inspirational Thoughts

9 Ways To Live A Productive Life

Guide To Productive Living (9 Ways To Live A Productive Life) Avoid Procrastination Putting things off in order to do something less important is a common trait for many of us. To avoid this, try to distance yourself for all those potential distractions that could put you off the tasks you should be doing. Often the best thing to do first is the very thing you are least looking forward to doing as you’ll at least get it out of the way. Avoid Time Wasters Start your day with a list of things you know you tend to waste time on. Keep the list nearby. When you notice you’re wasting time, add that time-waster to the list. This will serve as a reminder of things you shouldn’t allow yourself to do–like watching music videos when you should be sending emails. Organize Yourself Organization is...

How To Live A Healthy, Happy & Balanced Life

To promote mental health, balance is very essential as this will affect the way we think, fell and act everyday. Mental health determines the choices we make, the way we handle stress and relate with others in our community. Here are some useful tips on how to balance our daily living. Exercise Daily Exercise is important to keep us physically healthy but it can as well keep us mentally healthy. Research shows that people who exercise regularly have better mental health and emotional well-being. Exercise may also help in treating some mental health conditions, like depression and anxiety. For example, research suggests physical activity can be as effective as antidepressants for mild depression. It can boost your mood, concentration and alertness and may even help give you a positive outlo...

Top 10 Brain Damaging Bad Habits To Watch Out For

Top 10 Brain Damaging Bad Habits To Watch Out For In order to have a better functioning brain, here are some habits you must stop before the year runs out. Premature stress Stress is part of everyone’s life. Certain amount of stress related to work or family is a part and parcel of life. Stress of completing work on time or winning a competition is a healthy expression of stress. But when stress goes beyond your capacity to cope, it hinders the normal functioning of the brain and makes you feel low, depressed, angry, irritable, and sleepless. If you feel one or more of these emotions too often, it is time to seek help with a counselor or move away from things that are causing stress. Little Or No exercise Exercise makes you more flexible and increases mobility. Without enough exercise the ...

Doctors Reveal Tips On Overcoming Deadly Masturbation Addiction

Doctors Reveal Tips On Overcoming Deadly Masturbation Addiction Mr Olusegun Johnson explores the problem of masturbation amongst young people, highlighting the health and psychological implications. Masturbation today as in generations past remains one of the most noxious habits perpetrated by young people all over the world. Many consider it harmless and sinless, as they feel they stand no risk of contacting any disease, and are of the opinion that they are in no way committing any sin – not fornication and definitely not adultery. Online encyclopedia, Wikipedia, explains Masturbation as “the sexual stimulation of one’s own genitals for sexual arousal or other sexual pleasure, usually to the point of orgasm. The stimulation may involve hands, fingers, everyday objects, sex toys or combina...

5 Deadly Habits That Hinder Progress In Life

Procrastination Have you ever said you will do something and you never do it? Promising it next time, next time!! That is procrastination. It is a very dangerous habit. Addictive Negative Habits There are negative/indulgent habits like negative thinking that can slow down a man’s progress in life. These habits can eventually destroy a person. It is best to avoid them. Seeing mistakes as failure When we view our mistake as a failure, it certainly brings us down and it never gives us the courage to be determined again. So never see your mistakes as failure, instead it should bothersome you to strive harder. Unreasonably High Expectation This is one act most a person can do and never think of its after effect. This means planning something bigger than oneself and that might take a very long t...

How To Discover Happiness From Within

The first thing you need to do is to find happiness within yourself before seeking to extend it to others. You need to validate yourself first and tell yourself that you can be happy and stay on your own without having anyone in your life. You must get to that point where you become emotionally independent. Then should out get it a relationship because you have enough to extend to someone else. To do this, the following steps should serve as a guide to you: Discover Happiness Within and not Outside You By nature we are already conditioned to seek happiness from things or people around us. That is why most ladies rush into relationships hoping to achieve it. Just because a guy makes you laugh on the first date, makes you blush and starry-eyed does not mean he will give you the happiness you...

How To Cope With Divorce, Heart Break & Betrayal

Love is the most beautiful feeling in the world when both partners are really in love and cherish and appreciate what they share but love scorned, unreturned and unappreciated leaves one partner desolate, unfulfilled and bare. We all hope to have the best of relationships with our partners loving us just as much as we love them but sometimes, it does not work out the way we planned. Research have shown that everyone experiences one-sided or unreturned love at least once in their lifetime. Some have two or more of this experience. But the good news is that just because you got hurt because your love was not reciprocated does not mean you would not meet true love again. However, chances are that you may not believe it because you are depressed and hurting. It is in times like this that most ...

Character Matters More Than Degrees And Skills

15.4Kshares 0 15.4K 0 0 0 0 0 Character Matters More Than Degrees And Skills “A bad character is like a flat tire; you can’t go anywhere until you change it”-Zig Ziglar You can never get through your degrees and certificates what you should get through character! I have come to realize in life that until we give the right character its place in our life, we will always end up bankrupt regardless of how buoyant we are in every other areas of life. Peter Schutz, the former CEO of Porsche once said, “Hire character. Train skill”. Skills needed to meet needs vary in different organizations but all organization do not vary in their need for people with good character. I may not really know the skills that will be in high demand in the next 20 years, but one thing that I know is that there is no...

How To Live A Quiet And Peaceful Life

36.1Kshares 0 36.1K 1 0 0 0 1 When a man is at peace with himself, he will be at peace with the world around him. The principal thing in living a happy life is peace. Here are ways to live a peaceful and quiet life. Be Compassionate, Forgiving & Helpful To Others One fast way to be at peace with yourself is to help someone in his/her time of need. The world is filled with so much evil that it is becoming increasingly difficult to be compassionate, but even in this state, good people still exist. Help out someone, be merciful and forgiving. You will find peace with yourself. Correct Your Mistakes ASAP If for some reason you have treated someone unfairly or unkindly, or you have done something dishonest, make amends for it as soon as you can. Correct your mistakes as soon as possible and...