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Creep Director Patrick Brice Records Full Commentary Track for David Lynch’s Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me

David Lynch is not an easy nut to crack. The auteur has long preferred to keep things close to the chest, leaving fans and followers to fend for themselves in his proverbial forests. The latest soul to venture out of Lynch’s Red Room is filmmaker Patrick Brice, who has recorded a full-length commentary track on Lynch’s Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me. Brice is no stranger to creating strange and wonderful worlds. As the writer and filmmaker behind both Creep and The Overnight, he knows a thing or two about getting under people’s skin. So, hearing him dissect Lynch’s labyrinthine feature is nothing short of a delight. He also gets truly personal as he weighs in on how the film changed his career. It’s all part of Paul Davidson’s new podcast series The Side Track, which offers commentary track...