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covid 19 experience

My COVID-19 Experience

70.4Kshares 1.1K 69.3K 1 0 0 0 1 DAMILARE OJO’S COVID-19 EXPERIENCE  COVID is real and not a respecter of persons. Since the confirmation of the index case of COVID–19 virus in Nigeria, I have had my reservations about the spread of the virus. As the number of cases of COVID-19 increased in Nigeria, the Federal Government resolved to announce an initial two (2) week total lockdown. I became more cautious and conscious of my environment, particularly with my interaction with people around me, touching surfaces at random except for going to the market during market days and taking regular long walks in the evening with friends. As the lock-down was further elongated for another two (2) weeks I began to doubt the numbers being released by the NCDC as I personally did not know anyone that...