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Coronavirus Covid 19 Latest News Around The World

Coronavirus And Vision 2020

39.7Kshares 0 39.7K 0 0 0 0 0 CORONAVIRUS, WHAT IS IT WITH MY VISION 2020? Is this not year 2020 we’ve been waiting forever for? Maybe it is, or maybe it’s not. Yes the calendars claim we are in 2020. If the calendars are correct, this is the year when half the world expected dreams to find reality without much ado. Just when we were dotting our small i(s) and crossing our capital T(s) and seemed to be getting it right with our drive, suddenly the earthquake called Coronavirus hit us at a Richter scale beyond measurements any one has ever seen. Except you did not have your vision 2020, you can as well excuse yourself from the pain others are experiencing knowing that 2020 may just not be the year when that much anticipated shift will happen. I feel for you who wrote all that big ambitions ...

“COVID-19 Is Real”- Lagos Nigeria Based Peter Okoye Narrates Family Experience

310.1Kshares 0 310.1K 0 0 0 1 0 “COVID-19 Is Real”- Lagos Nigeria Based Peter Okoye Narrates Family Experience With Killer Virus Nigerian musician Peter Okoye, has narrated how he and his wife, daughter as well as two domestic staff tested positive for COVID-19 and recovered after a few weeks. Making the revelation in a video posted via his Twitter handle on Saturday, Okoye said, ”For the past three weeks, I have been ill and most people didn’t even know what was wrong with me. I kept it to myself. It has been three weeks of hell for me and my family. “I had COVID19 for about three weeks and it happened to me. “I was sick and I tested positive. “It’s been hell for this family in this house. Not just me. Even two of my domestic staff. “After a week, my daughter caught the virus as well. It ...

The Best Cure For COVID-19 Is Prevention (Effective Ways To Outsmart The Assassin Virus)

889.3Kshares 0 889.3K 1 0 0 1 1 How To Protect Yourself From COVID-19: Effective Ways To Outsmart The Assassin Virus Even though this message is for Nigerians, it still applies to everyone all across the world. I’m addressing this to Nigerians because COVID-19 is gaining more grounds in this country due to lack of good health care and bad leadership. As the founder of NaijaGists.com, I was once a patient of COVID-19 but I overcame it with natural herbs. I revealed this in an extensive video I released on my YouTube Channel few months ago, while I was lucky, other many not be as lucky. I have come to realise that the best cure for COVID-19 is prevention. Watch the two videos below and read the testimonies of those who overcame covid-19 using the same herbal treatment methods I used.  H...

Nigerians Urged To Do COVID-19 Testing As Infection Record Hits 20244 In 19 States

6.0Kshares 0 6.0K 1 0 0 0 1 Nigerians Urged To Do COVID-19 Testing As Infection Record Hits 20244 In 19 States Naija last night recorded 436 new cases of COVID-19 infection, bringing the total number of infections in the country to 20,244. This was announced via the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) Twitter handle. The disease control agency said that the 436 new confirmed cases were from 19 states. The NCDC said Lagos reported the highest number of cases with 169 new cases and Oyo was second with 52 new infections. Here is the detail breakdown of the new infection by state, Lagos-169, Oyo-52  Plateau – 31, Imo – 29, Kaduna – 28, Ogun – 23, FCT – 18, Enugu – 18, Bauchi – 17, Bayelsa – 14, Rivers – 8, Osun – 6, Kano – 6, Edo – 5, Benue – 5, Adamawa – 3, Borno – 2, Abia – 1, Eki...

My COVID-19 Experience

70.4Kshares 1.1K 69.3K 1 0 0 0 1 DAMILARE OJO’S COVID-19 EXPERIENCE  COVID is real and not a respecter of persons. Since the confirmation of the index case of COVID–19 virus in Nigeria, I have had my reservations about the spread of the virus. As the number of cases of COVID-19 increased in Nigeria, the Federal Government resolved to announce an initial two (2) week total lockdown. I became more cautious and conscious of my environment, particularly with my interaction with people around me, touching surfaces at random except for going to the market during market days and taking regular long walks in the evening with friends. As the lock-down was further elongated for another two (2) weeks I began to doubt the numbers being released by the NCDC as I personally did not know anyone that...

Interesting Findings About Unrefined Palm Oil And COVID-19

48.2Kshares 32.1K 16.1K 0 0 0 0 0 Interesting Findings About Unrefined Palm Oil And COVID-19 Coronavirus: Palm Oil, best oil against COVID-19! ALTERNATIVE medicine and traditional medicine looked set for upgrading from the side-lines last week in Nigeria’s search for a home grown COVID-19 cure. But a last minute push of chloroquine to the front burner in Lagos State appeared likely to block them. The Presidential committee which is trying to involve alternative medicine and traditional medicine practitioners in the search for a COVID-19 cure finally got some prominent figures in the industry to have a meeting with the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration Control ( NAFADAC). But at the same time, Lagos State, the most respected and most influential of Nigeria’s 36 states when it...

From China With Love!

34.4Kshares 27.4K 7.0K 0 0 0 0 0 From China With Love! By Emmanuel Ita Akpaka China may have pissed on its own parade with its worrisome handling of the COVID 19 pandemic but it has other wrinkles that could be as worrisome as the pandemic. After decades of isolation and seeming apathy to global affairs, China’s brandishing of its soft power to woo diverse countries across the world is in full throttle. In Asia, Latin America and especially in Africa, China is building roads, dams, seaports, railways and the like. In Africa, China has become an ubiquitous construction colossus, handling out multibillion dollar loans and credit lines to countries whose miserable economies make them attractive target for the Chinese economic bulldozer. From East to West Africa, countries are literally scramb...

COVID-19 And Declining Family Values

119.5Kshares 40.9K 78.6K 0 0 0 0 0 COVID-19 And Declining Family Values Exclusive report by Chinaka Okoro Before now, there was the general assumption that all was well with the average family. The implicit love and cohesion that seemingly pervaded most families were mere deceptions and hyped. There were some cracks in the family walls, which were not patched. The situation was cloaked in secrecy because every day, the husband and wife would leave for their respective places of work while the children would be off to school. Everybody comes back home in the evening tired. They will manage to prepare dinner and retire to bed. None had time to discuss burning issues raised during some quarrels or mix-ups. The deceitful family lifestyle continued till COVID-19 pandemic set in. That was the ro...

How To Overcome COVID-19 With Healthy Staple Crops

20.7Kshares 4.7K 16.0K 0 0 0 0 0 How To Overcome COVID-19 With Healthy Staple Crops By Samuel Oluwole Ogundele Food is the unsung hero of radiant health which is yet to occupy a conspicuous space in the vocabularies of contemporary discourse in Nigeria. There is need for some regular public enlightenment campaigns about foods and their health benefits. Food is a networked reality which cannot be neatly disentangled from agricultural productions, cultural flows/interconnections, everyday domesticity, spatiality and temporality. Nobody can survive for long without food including of course, water. This is because the human body is a complex chemical, mechanical and electrical system that cannot function without food. But closely related to this issue, is the fact that the types of food, techn...

Chris Oyakhilome Loveworld Channel Sanctioned By UK Over 5G & COVID-19 Conspiracy

98.2Kshares 32.1K 66.1K 0 0 0 0 0 Pastor Chris Oyakhilome Loveworld Channel Sanctioned By UK Over 5G, COVID-19 & New World Order Conspiracy Exclusive report by Lola Abiodun A religious cable channel owned by founder of Christ Embassy, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, Love World has been sanctioned in the United Kingdom for airing “unsubstantiated claims linking the pandemic to 5G technology.” The Office of Communications, the regulatory authority for the broadcasting and telecommunication in the United Kingdom, also sanctioned the station for declaring coronavirus is a “global cover-up.” In a statement on Monday published on its website, Ofcom stated the caution followed an investigation into the matter. The regulator said: “Our investigation found that a report on Loveworld News included unsu...