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Colin Hay

5 Albums I Can’t Live Without: Colin Hay of Men at Work

Name  Colin Hay Best known for  My recipe for Brussel sprouts. Current city Los Angeles. Really want to be  In Melbourne. Haven’t been there since the pandemic. Craving driving down the Great Ocean Road, and swimming in those mighty waters. Excited about  New album Now And The Evermore (March 18) and my current solo acoustic tour, across the US. My current music collection has a lot of Blues. BB King, Albert King, all the kings. And a little bit of  This and that. You wouldn’t expect me to listen to  I wouldn’t presume to know what you expect me to listen to. Preferred format I stream music as it’s so damn convenient. [embedded content][embedded content] 5 Albums I Can’t Live Without 1Court and Spark,Joni Mitchell I simply love the way...