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Iggy Pop’s Pet Cockatoo Biggy Pop Named “Founding Patron” of Australian Wildlife Hospital

Biggy Pop, proto-punk cockatoo son of Iggy Pop and venerable viral sensation, is using his global platform for good. The majestic bird has just been named the “founding patron” of the Byron Bay Wildlife Hospital in Australia. As part of the “gig”, he’ll be promoting the organization and its latest campaign to build the area’s largest mobile wildlife hospital. Such a health center is dire in need at the moment considering the devastating fires that ravaged the country earlier this year. “I’m a bird, and a real wild one, and I have many cockatoo cousins in Australia,” Biggy Pop was “quoted” as saying in an official statement. “I was so distressed to hear that 180 million birds died in the catastrophic bushfire crisis that killed over 3 billion native animals over the Australian summer. That ...