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Chris Crack

Chris Crack’s ‘Haters Forget They Were Fans First’ & ‘Washed Rappers Ain’t Legends’ [Review]

Art Direction by Skyler Durden By the time this double review of Chris Crack‘s latest releases is completed, it wouldn’t be shocking to learn he’s already got another two records in the stash ready to be unleashed. With Washed Rappers Ain’t Legends and Haters Forget They Were Fans First, the prolific Chicago rapper and singer is back to his usual high-quality craftwork of soulful, R&B-tinged Hip-Hop. Of the pair, Washed Rappers Ain’t Legend dropped at the top of November after Crack teased its release but only fans got one of his albums, Thanks Uncle Trill, to a million plays on Spotify. In his usual fashion, WRAL doesn’t deviate from Crack’s propensity to throw everything in his arsenal at the wall and what sticks is typically the entire bulk ...

Chris Crack Effortlessly Glides On Soulful ‘Good Cops Don’t Exist’ LP [Review]

Source: Skyler Durden / SD Chris Crack requires several listens before the brilliance of his gift resonates. He isn’t overly concerned with heady concepts, at least not by way of pushing such angles via his music. Instead, the Chicago rapper and vocalist does something few artists master which is to welcome the listener to experience his world in real-time and his latest release, Good Cops Don’t Exist, achieves that feat. A prolific rapper with a Sears Tower-sized chip on his shoulder, Crack uses his unique vocal instrument – something of a mix between a sneering snarl and wisecracking conversational bent – to great effect. Much of his music works from an impulsive yet soulful space and what never slips out his reach is the memorable impression he leaves. All across Good Cops Don’t Exist, ...