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Charlie Munger

Crypto is like ‘venereal disease’ and should be banned: Charlie Munger

Charlie Munger, the ancient vice chairman of Berkshire Hathaway and Warren Buffet’s right hand man, has no issue with providing his honest thoughts on cryptocurrency: He hates it.  Speaking at a shareholder’s Q&A session at the annual meeting for LA-based newspaper company, Daily Journal Corp, the 98-year-old investing icon likened crypto to a sexually transmitted disease. “I certainly didn’t invest in crypto. I’m proud of the fact that I avoided it. It’s like some venereal disease.” Munger continued to express his contempt for Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, adding, “I wish it had been banned immediately… I admire the Chinese for banning it. I think they were right and we were wrong to allow it.” Munger and Buffet are no strangers to criticizing ...