CERN Wants to Build a New 100 Kilometre Long Super-Collider Worth $23 Billion

Sourced from CERN. The Large Hadron Collider is the world’s highest-energy particle collider at 27 kilometres in length. It is also the largest machine ever built by human hands, according to CNET. Now, the machine’s operators, the European Organization for Nuclear Research – CERN, is planning to build a second, even larger collider. This one could end up being 100km, almost four times the size, and may cost up to $23 billion to produce. The collider will be used to further study the Higgs Boson particle. /* custom css */ .tdi_3_5c5.td-a-rec-img{ text-align: left; }.tdi_3_5c5.td-a-rec-img img{ margin: 0 auto 0 0; } Having been further popularised due to CBS’ smash-hit sitcom The Big Bang Theory, Higgs Bosons are a type of particle theorized by Peter Higgs and five other scientists back in ...