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cat clyde

Cat Clyde’s Protest Songs Playlist

With everyone sequestered and self-quarantining due to the coronavirus, we’ve asked our favorite artists to come up with playlists that keep you entertained. Here is singer/songwriter Cat Clyde: Hey, my name is Cat Clyde and I’ve collected some protest songs that help me feel inspired and charged during this time. The world is changing and I believe music can help us all heal, grow, and be brave in the face of these changes. “Times They Are A-Changin’”- Bob DylanThis song is such a timeless song, urging people to think for themselves and fight for their rights. This song will never not be relevant. “Drums” – Johnny CashThis song is a really great story about some of the abuse that native Americans suffered in the U.S. This whole album came out in 1964 and faced harsh censorship and b...