Tokyo Ghost, the futuristic sci-fi comic book series released in 2015 by Image Comics, is being adapted into a feature film. No Time to Die director Cary Fukunaga is onboard to helm the movie and the series’ author, Rick Remender, will pen the script. Set in 2089 when humanity is addicted to technology, Tokyo Ghost follows the story of Debbie Decay and Led Dent, two peacekeepers in the Isles of Los Angeles, who are assigned a job that will take them to the last tech-free country on the planet: the garden nation of Tokyo. Remender has previously summarized the comic book series as being a “a big, visual, exciting story that at the heart of it is hiding the fact that it’s really a love story.” According to The Hollywood Reporter, the cyberpunk series adaptation will be produced by Fukunaga, ...
James Bond … is still planning to return in 2020. In a wild twist of fate, the highly anticipated and much-delayed No Time to Die may actually be one of the few remaining blockbusters to see the light in this godforsaken year. Today, MGM recharged the hype machine with an explosive new trailer that promises 007 will be back by November. Now billed as “the mission that changes everything”, the fifth and final outing for Daniel Craig appears to be his diciest yet. In the trailer below, we see even more glimpses of his adventure, which includes the kind of literal high-wire stunts that may just be enough to get this bloody writer back into theaters again. Just maybe. We also get our first real look at Oscar winner Rami Malek as main villain Safin. His face is certainly a far cry away from the...