The post The Right Gear, the Right Moment: Q&A with Photographer Beatriz Janer appeared first on Roads & Kingdoms.
The company says the cars are still safe to drive.
The geopolitical struggle between China and the Philippines has strangled Filipino fishermen’s access to some of their richest fishing grounds The post Netted by Politics:<BR> a Fisherman’s Dilemma in the South China Sea appeared first on Roads & Kingdoms.
Mestiza de Indias is an innovative, Maya-inspired regenerative farm in the middle of a region threatened by mass tourism and overdevelopment. Its founder has a lot to say about why food matters. The post A Model Farm in the Yucatán: Q&A with Gonzalo Samaranch appeared first on Roads & Kingdoms.
The post Make it Loud: <br>Q&A with Dylan Eitharong appeared first on Roads & Kingdoms.
The post A Memoirist in Mérida: <br> Q&A with Jeremiah Tower appeared first on Roads & Kingdoms.
Along Spain's Asturian coast, in the small fishing town of Puerto de Vega, on Plaza Cupido—Cupid Square—a self-taught cook writes culinary love letters to the Cantabrian Sea. The post The Taste of Being Thrown Around by the Sea: a Q&A with chef Marí Fernandez appeared first on Roads & Kingdoms.
Australian start-up Loam is using fungi to help crops capture carbon in the soil—and keep it there. It could be a game-changer for farmers and the fight against climate change. The post Can Fungi Save our Soil? appeared first on Roads & Kingdoms.
The world’s thirstiest crop is also responsible for feeding half our planet. The Sustainable Rice Platform thinks it can make a better life for farmers and consumers alike. The post Setting the Standard for Better Rice appeared first on Roads & Kingdoms.
Food providers—large-scale companies that mass-produce meals for institutions like hospitals and schools—serve billions of meals annually in the United States. Despite their size, there hasn’t been nearly enough focus on how to cut their greenhouse emissions. Enter Coolfood, a one-stop solution to facilitate plant-forward, climate-friendly eating. The post Serving Climate-Friendly Meals, One Student at a Time appeared first on Roads & Kingdoms.
A team of chefs and scientists in southern Spain are trying to cultivate an edible sea grain for the first time. Can Aponiente’s “sea pantry” fight global food insecurity and be used for conservation purposes? The post A Sea Grain to Feed the World appeared first on Roads & Kingdoms.
Scientists agree that global agriculture is losing crucial diversity in its plants, animals and microorganisms. But you can’t fix a problem that you can’t measure properly. That’s where the Agrobiodiversity Index comes in. The post Bioversity International: Making the Invisible Visible appeared first on Roads & Kingdoms.