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Caleb Bright

Caleb Bright – The Air I Breathe

Check out this brand-new inspiring piece of music coming from Caleb Bright – The Air I Breathe. Worshiper and sensational gospel singer, Caleb Bright is out with a new sound that he titles “The Air I Breathe”. The song traces its root to the scriptures as it accords Christ the holder and controller of the switches that holds our lives. According to the scriptures, in Him we live, move and have our being thus, He’s our essence and the very air we breathe. Caleb is married to the gospel and delivers his marital duties through the ministry of songs which he does complete and to the latter. He is a singer and member of LoveWorld Ministries where he shares his musical blessings from and extends the reach to everyone else. Listen and be blessed by Caleb Bright – The Air I Breathe below.&nbs...