HipHopWired Featured Video Source: DEAN BLOTTO GRAY / Courtesy of Burton There are some out there who still front on snowboarding like it’s not a sport to take seriously, or that Black people won’t get into it. That viewpoint ignores the fact that snowboarding and Hip-hop have been a winning combination before, with Naughty By Nature’s “Feel Me Flow” video from 1995 as a major example as MTV showcased the sport before ESPN picked up the baton with their X-Games. Hip-Hop’s impact on the sport can be seen in figures such as Shaun White, who holds the most Olympic gold medals for the sport and Chloe Kim, the youngest woman to ever win an Olympic gold medal. More importantly, there have been notable Black figures holding it down as snowboarders from back then such as Russel Winfield, Keir Dill...