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Bloom Vol. 28: More Than One

Two people stood facing one another. Longingly, they gazed into one another’s eyes. Between them was a hammock – radiant in its red, purple, and orange hues, tinged with the sun’s warmth and the remnants of their bodies and embrace. Falling into love, they would rock back and forth, comfortable and safe. They wove the hammock together – made by a snapshot of similarities. They tightened the fabric until it could hold their weight, solidifying a bond. The thread was trust, needle action. As the days go on, months, the two begin to see their differences. One enjoys drifting, foraging, hunting, and roaming the fields alone for hours and even days on end, but the other does not. As they began to explore themselves and the world around them as individuals, they made a pact to never stray from o...

Bloom Vol. 27: Kindness is Free

Feedback hit the mic as I trailed in front of the speakers for a second, bowing my head and taking a breath before I uttered: “I know what happens when the months get colder.” I have fallen into the crevasse of suicidal ideation a couple of times. Once, with a plan, means, and timeframe, the other simply ideas of a mind that could not see a clearing. September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, a month that looms heavy in the world of music and the arts. We’ve lost so many — Avicii, Kurt Cobain, Eliott Smith, Chris Cornell, it is a list that goes on far too long. As we begin, here are some critical facts about Suicide from NAMI, with additional links for you to learn more. As far as individual impact goes: 79% of all people who die by suicide are male. Although more women than men atte...

Bloom Vol. 26: Privilege

“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” (Matthew 7:12). Seeing the light at the end of the tunnel is a gift. It is a marvel when you can bask in its light as you look backward toward the vast expanse you had arrived from. We show people the easiest way to make it through a crowd at a concert. We make space so people can feel the music. Guides. A guide for the tens of thousands at night who go out is often a DJ. Time for a small story. A local DJ hides a song away from the world that they’ve discovered. It’s made people cry. It’s brought people together. It’s opened up their eyes to ways they could change. This gem might be a song that would set a soul free if heard alone in their room. It might be a record that would take feet and remove fear through its beat. Perhaps this song...

Bloom Vol. 25: Kids in the Sandbox

There was always a dark matter cloud hovering over my every move through my days navigating the mental health challenge of bipolar disorder. A brooding seriousness. What does that mean, exactly? If I began to feel significantly elated at any particular moment, I wondered if an uncontrollable sense of mania would soon follow my upbeat ways. I’d then feel Insecure, confused, doubtful, and inadequate. My mind was tensing up as I anticipated some sort of collision. It was a ticking time bomb that didn’t exist most of the time. I’d attempt to diffuse a force that wasn’t there. Inadvertently, that action would then produce a bomb. I was immensely troubled by how people would interpret my well-being and how that interpretation would change the course of their day. There is a concept called emotio...

Bloom Vol 24: Remission

Twenty-three switchbacks between Lake Serene and us. The trail comes into a small plain of sorts, a million shades of green interlaced with branches teeming with leaves and wildlife. Trees were growing out of other trees — nature helping itself advance and thrive. A friend of mine had invited me to get out of the city. I increased our ardent pace and didn’t feel any drudge of the ascent. I wanted to feel the chilling water through my muscles and bones. Reaching the summit, I hesitated to dive into the clear water ahead. It was not due to the temperature but a new obstacle I was not accustomed to handling. A curve-sloped rock face that touched the waterline made it difficult to conceptualize how I would get out of the water. There was nervous excitement. My friend dove in first and showed m...

Bloom Vol 23: Gratitude at The Gorge

At the intersection of 11th and Fir, I refined my definition of what it means to be liberated as I closed the front door on a rental Chevy Tahoe, tinted windows and black paint dusted by the trails we had traversed. That weekend, I discovered a new source of inspiration to further the excavation of my soul and the connection between us all. The Gorge Amphitheatre was formed by a natural catastrophe almost 50,000 years ago when an ice dam ruptured in what is regarded today as Canada.  A rush coursed across plains, eroding the landscape with ferocity and grace that boomed beyond any human-designed tower of speakers. The natural process of the world carved out a home for what would become known as one of the most beautiful natural venues in North America. Water into wine, in 1980, hundre...

Bloom Vol 22: Trust

Thirty-two years it took for me to trust myself. A sliding glass door to an inherent truth–value in my existence. “Stepping into my first dance-music concert was the beginning of opening that door,” I thought to myself, as I walked the grounds of Bloedel Reserve on Bainbridge Island. Standing amongst countless variations of flora and trees, my dad seemed to recite their names by memory. Hundreds of acres of meticulously designed gardens represented their natural surroundings while defining their uniqueness. It was the vision of someone who built an enterprise in timber, trusting themselves to give the community a treasure of reverence. The reserve was a place outside normalcy that ratified reality, like a music festival. I stood still for a second and closed my eyes. Inside of me was both ...

Bloom Vol 21: Music and Emotional Intelligence

Previously, I discussed how making time to “date” ourselves can pave the way for increasing our emotional intelligence. It is a key to understanding “you” as a human. Humans are driven by emotion. Heightening your emotional intelligence improves your ability to respond to different situations optimally. To know why you feel the way you do, without mystery; meaningful action to better your well-being can take place with clarity. Once you’ve been dating yourself for a while, you begin to understand the tiny nuances and narratives in your mind that cause subsects of the emotion you are feeling. Suddenly, you identify the core reasons why you feel the way you are from a trauma-informed perspective that sees the origins of the moment you are in. You understand your triggers, the characters in y...

Bloom Vol 20: Dating Me

Nails on a chalkboard. A semi-truck skidding to a halt on the interstate as its back jack-knifes, sending sparks cascading across rows of cars like the Fourth of July. A never-ending vacuum on a Saturday morning outside of your apartment door. What do these three things have in common? They are all analogous to how I used to treat me when I was alone. Emotional intelligence ultimately falls to us: our ability to regulate our emotions, and perceive our emotions. I had never lived on my own until last year. Be it parents, roommates, or a significant other, I had always had someone around. As a socialite and a former serial monogamous, my adult years have teemed with staggering levels of distraction. Equating external human interactions and connections to distractions might sound harsh. What ...

Bloom Vol 17: Just a Thought

It was mid-50s out in the crisp Pacific Northwest air. Discolored hands carrying bags of groceries in the cold, a washed, dull look splashed onto my face. Between point A and point B, I felt alone. It’s challenging to fit into much of anything when you walk on a tightrope wearing neon blue and sequin, I murmured to myself. As Broadway crested its peak, I wondered if I had plateaued. I had a myriad of tiny conspirators passing through clamoring for the captain’s seat to my day. I sighed, hoping to myself that a deranged criminal would come to shoot me, making my desire to die not my fault, merely my beneficial coincidence. For all of the solutions in the world, for all that we are capable of, we are still human and can have thoughts like these. More passive, with no plan, no timeframe. A fe...

Bloom Vol 16: The Power of Sensitivity

Alanis Morissette and the notion of sensitivity hadn’t ever been paired together before for me. Years back, we used a website called the random Alanis Morissette song generator which would, after the input of a few choice words, spit back to you a song full of resentment and malice for your enjoyment. Her grunge-infused success never stirred me as coming from a sensitive soul either. Jagged Little Pill sold a fascinating haul of over 30 million records, propelling her to stardom and a permanent place in the history of American music. It also catapulted her into a world that she would have to prepare herself for deeply, and compensate within; at moments, one she’d have to survive. “They wanted the outcome and the fruit of my trait,” Alanis said in an interview with the legendary Elaine Aaro...

Bloom Vol 15: What Has Been Lost

For Mother’s Day in 2017, I prepared a song called “Spirit” for my mother. She had been battling breast cancer along with other health complications, and her morale was declining. The fight was one of many years, multiple cancer outbreaks and several events weighed upon her consciousness. “Spirit” possessed the sound of the animal kingdom, with soaring resounding synths that crooned upward with poise. Elephants were her favorite animal, and I made sure they trumpeted with pride. My good friend Sabre laid down vocals exuding grace. I designed a piece that embodied who she was as a human being and what she meant to me. It was the first song I had ever recorded explicitly for her. She was the most radiant being I had ever met in my life, a soul that desired nothing more than to see others shi...

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